Classical School

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Classical School

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Is SGC a Good Fit?

Is your family committed to Christ?
Our families are committed to glorifying Christ in all that we do. Our school motto, Pro Christo et Regno, means “For Christ and Kingdom”.

Children memorize Scripture regularly and are taught to live according to God’s word. We pray and work so our students will translate what they learn here into a life of service and submission to Christ. If you share these priorities, you will likely fit well at Saint George.
Does your family love learning and books?
The most consistent success factor for children in a classical school is the learning environment at home. It is the world of language, literature, history, science, and math. It is okay if you're not there yet. Many families discover this world through involvement at our school as they witness their children use their love of knowledge to explore and seek truth.
If you would like to experience the pleasure of a home full of books and knowledge, Saint George can provide a great start.
Are you committed to well-behaved children?
We believe all children are created in the image of God and we deeply respect the uniqueness of their personalities. All children are prone to misbehavior on occasion; we don’t expect your children to be sinless.
We do expect parents to support our teachers and administration as we lovingly but firmly discipline children who misbehave. If you value a partnership with a school that will uphold high standards, you will appreciate Saint George.
Do you value academics and a Christian work ethic?
We strive to create an academic community characterized by the highest expectations in scholarship and Christian character. This commitment requires consistent diligence from both students and parents. Nevertheless, the depth and richness of the academic journey is a source of joy and delight for the whole family.
Do recognize the danger of smart devices and social media?
Our aim is to create an environment free from the burdens and pressures associated with smart phones and social media, and this extends to home life as well. We believe that it is wise for parents to set limits on smart phone and social media usage. We would like to remove the social pressure to own a phone at a young age, or to participate in seedy online activity via social media.
(see our Technology Commitment)