Classical School

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Classical School

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Pursuing the True Font
of Light and Wisdom

Pursuing the
True Font of
Light and Wisdom

At a Glance

SGC is a private, preK-12, classical, Christian school opening in Fall 2025 in Georgetown, TX.

Our mission is to educate students in the classical tradition, guided by the Scriptures, so that they may grow in knowledge, wisdom, and virtue, seeking first to love our Lord and use their gifts in the service of Christ and His kingdom.

Our collaborative approach integrates a traditional classroom setting with a homeschool experience.

We are…


Classical Christian education is a heritage of Western Civilization that relies on the seven liberal arts and the canon of great works to cultivate virtue and wisdom in students by nourishing their souls on the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.
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Students receive instruction from classically trained teachers on campus two to three days per week and complete their at-home studies under the tutelage of their parents, combining the best attributes of traditional classroom learning with the best attributes of homeschooling.
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We partner with families who are aligned with the educational philosophy of the school and faithfully attend a local church, creating a community united in vision and purpose.
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We present all knowledge as part of an integrated whole, a reflection of the Creator, with God as revealed in His Scriptures at the center. We strive to impart a Christian worldview in every student, one in which there is no separation between faith and reason.
Our Mission

“The entire object of a true education is to make people not merely do the right things, but enjoy the right things—not merely industrious, but to love industry—not merely learned, but to love knowledge—not merely pure, but to love purity—not merely just, but to hunger and thirst after justice.”

—John Ruskin

Saint George Classical is a proud member of the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS).